Friday 22 February 2008

Football or Footbawl? no actually its worse than that, let me start over_

For roughly the last 5/6 months me, my housemates and some friends down here at uni have been yelling out the word 'FOOTBALL' here there and everywhere...literally. Bars, houses, streets, shops and public buildings you name it we yelled it. For some reason shouting football is so satisfying, seriously try it, there is something about this word. Like an untapped resource of anger and testosterone release. I think the fact that you in turn are neither shouting a player or a teams name also makes it slightly obscure and personal.

However I've noticed that the word football to me and my friends has independently evolved itself. Basically the pronunciation has become slurred and slightly un-audible to the local audience. Like the english language this word has evolved to better suit our needs so it is less effort to say. I personally think this is GREAT!!


ps. History of the word 'Football' at a later date


hihihi said...
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hihihi said...

Dude, genious post. Why didn't we think about it sooner! Personal favourite: Out running, shout footbawlllwwl. Hilarity ensues!